Investing in the Skies: Anderson Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum’s Vision for the Future

Since its inauguration in 2005, the Anderson Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum has stood as a symbol of innovation and exploration. The New Mexico Legislature has offered continued support, notably through Capital Outlay funding, continuing the museum’s profound impact on aviation history and New Mexico’s cultural identity.


This support has been instrumental in enabling the museum to introduce captivating exhibits, spearhead crucial improvements, and lay the groundwork for transformative projects. Moving forward into 2024, there are plans for a dynamic museum entrance, an interactive outdoor exhibition and performance area, and essential ongoing upgrades and repairs to the Balloon Museum roof, and is asking the New Mexico Legislature to allocate funds. 

The Museum’s Request to the NM Legislature

In a recent Capital Outlay request (LCS ID: 989), the Balloon Museum Foundation, acting on behalf of the museum, sought $3,900,000 in support, strategically focusing on improving both museum conditions for visitors and collections management. 

From its inception, the Balloon Museum has embraced technological progress, integrating it into exhibitions and artifact storage. Committed to providing a state-of-the-art and interactive experience, the museum seeks continuous updates to its technology capabilities and enhanced visitor engagement. The requested funds will not only contribute to this goal but will also lay the groundwork for a master plan outlining an expanded entrance, designed to elevate the visitor experience and showcase the museum’s iconic architecture.

The Balloon Museum boasts a commendable track record in completing new building projects, evident in the successful opening of large exhibitions and significant building improvements like roof replacements. The museum’s mission is to spark curiosity, wonder, and engagement among future balloonists and aerostat adventurers, emphasizing the pivotal role of support for the success of these visionary projects.

How Capital Outlay Works

Understanding the significance of Capital Outlay in New Mexico, it’s crucial to acknowledge that these funds, authorized by the Legislature, typically consist of nonrecurring – one-time – allocations. They are directed towards building, improving, or equipping physical properties used by the public, ranging from infrastructure like roads and schools to cultural institutions such as museums and playgrounds. 

Post-legislative session, the Governor of New Mexico holds a pivotal role, having 20 days to either approve or line-item veto capital outlay projects. Eager to bring proposed projects to life, the Balloon Museum commits to submitting a comprehensive scope of work (SOW) for each appropriated project. The unpredictable nature of nonrecurring general fund moneys underscores the continued importance of advocacy for these vital funds.

The City of Albuquerque then acts as the administering agent for allocated monies to the Department of Arts and Culture. This collaborative effort signifies a commitment to fostering cultural and educational experiences for the community.

How You Can Help

Looking ahead, we invite supporters to unite in endorsing the Capital Outlay request for the Anderson Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum. By doing so, we actively contribute to the preservation of our aviation heritage, the enhancement of educational opportunities, and the creation of an immersive, technologically advanced museum experience for future generations.

Playing a pivotal role in the mission of the Balloon Museum is the endeavor to spark curiosity, wonder, and engagement in the balloonists and aerostat adventurers of the future. Public support is crucial for the success of these projects. 

Join us in rallying behind the Anderson Abruzzo International Balloon Museum’s initiatives and make a lasting impact on the preservation and advancement of balloon flight.

If you would like to notify NM legislators about your support for this year’s request, click here for instructions: 2024 Balloon Museum Capital Outlay Request Support Instructions

If you are unable to access Google files and documents, email us at sandy.wylie@balloonmuseum and we’ll be happy to assist you.

BALLOONS IN JUNE. Special packages on sale to celebrate National Hot Air Balloon Day. Purchase and pickup at store June 4-6. Ice Creams trucks on site and in store promotions all weekend. Dismiss