Frequently Asked Questions

The address for the Balloon Museum is 9201 Balloon Museum Drive NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107

DO NOT follow your GPS instructions.
Do not ask your hotel for directions.
Do not follow the signs to Balloon Fiesta Parking or General Admission.


The following instructions apply to traffic and parking during Balloon Fiesta flying events.

Mornings: Oct. 4-12, 4:30 am – 10:00 am
Evenings: Oct. 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm

During Balloon Fiesta flying events, traffic flow and lane openings are altered. Major streets around the festival and the museum such as San Mateo, Alameda and Jefferson may be one-directional and/or portions closed to the general public for bus use.

To access the Balloon Museum traffic must approach and travel from the west, heading east on Alameda to Balloon Museum Drive.

      • Coming from the east or south side of Albuquerque:
        DO NOT EXIT ALAMEDA from I-25.
        Take either Paseo Del Norte or Osuna Blvd west to 2nd Street.
        Turn north/right on 2nd Street to Alameda.
        Turn east/right on Alameda.
        Follow the traffic signs to Balloon Museum Drive.
        Turn north/left on Balloon Museum Drive.
      • Coming from the west side of Albuquerque:
        Proceed to Alameda Blvd.
        Travel east and turn north/left on Balloon Museum Drive.
        Turn north/left on Balloon Museum Drive.
      • Coming from Santa Fe/north of Albuquerque: 
        Travel I-25 to Tramway/Roy Ave.
        Turn west/right on to Roy Ave. It will dead-end at a roundabout.
        At the roundabout, travel south/left.
        Follow the signs and stay left to access 2nd Street.
        Stay on 2nd Street to Alameda Blvd.
        Turn east/left on Alameda.
        Follow the traffic signs to Balloon Museum Drive.
        Turn north/left on Balloon Museum Drive.

If you wish to visit the Balloon Museum in between the flying events (from 10 am-3 pm) traffic flows regularly and the parking lot at the Balloon Museum is open and free for Museum visitors.

Observation Deck Tickets include parking passes as follows:

1-3 people in your group = 1 parking pass

4-6 people in your group = 2 parking passes

7-9 people in your group = 3 parking passes, etc.

Passes are valid for the ticketed session only.

Please visit our Parking and Transportation page for important details.  

Alternative transportation options are highly recommended to help reduce the number of vehicles on the road and congestion heading into and out of Balloon Fiesta Park.

Note that these alternatives do not deliver you directly to the Balloon Museum. Depending upon the drop-off location, some walking may be involved.

Please note that the options above are provided as resources and are not endorsed or verified by the Foundation staff. Please research your options thoroughly.

Don’t panic. Just follow the general public parking directions, where you will be directed to a Balloon Fiesta parking lot. A fee of $20 will be charged for each car. Cash only. Upon arrival, make your way to the south end of the field to the museum.

Anticipate 30-90 minutes of heavy traffic to the area, especially after 5:00 a.m.  Opening morning is busier, and traffic begins to back up as early as 4:30 a.m.

It is not uncommon for people to travel very early to avoid some of the heavy traffic and then wait in their cars or outside until doors opens. 

MUSEUM DOORS OPEN AT 5:30 A.M. IF YOU ARRIVE EARLY, YOU MAY WAIT IN YOUR CAR, OR OUTDOORS IN FRONT OF THE MUSEUM. You may check in in front of the museum at the “REGISTRATION” tent beginning at 5:30 a.m.

There is heavy traffic because Balloon Fiesta is one of the most popular festivals in the USA! It is worth the travel and traffic. Approach the traffic with a sense of adventure, bring your favorite podcast or music. Be generous of spirit to other travelers, traffic police and volunteers.

Travelers may worry that they will ‘miss’ the event because they were stuck in traffic. The balloons flying and the dining events are ongoing, if you miss the ‘start’ time, there is still so much happening all morning. 

The Observation Deck dining and beverage service ends at 9:00 a.m., and the dining area will close at 9:30 a.m. 

You are welcome to stay beyond that and go through the museum and shop in the Museum Shoppe. If you have parked in the museum parking lot, and you are ticketed only for the morning event, we ask that you stay no later than 4:00 p.m. This allows evening attendees to access the parking lot. The museum closes at 5:00 p.m.

You are also welcome to stay on the launch field long after the balloons have launched. While you won’t be asked to leave the field at a particular time, you’ll find that the activities have gone quiet around 11:00 a.m., with a few exceptions. 

See the full Balloon Fiesta Schedule of Events here. 

Anticipate 30-90 minutes of heavy traffic to the area, especially after 4:30 p.m.  

OBSERVATION DECK DOORS OPEN AT 4:30 P.M. You may check in in front of the museum at the “REGISTRATION” tent beginning at 4:30 p.m. You are welcome to arrive earlier to go through the museum. (See following question for more details.)

There is heavy traffic because Balloon Fiesta is one of the most popular festivals in the USA! It is worth the travel and traffic. Approach the traffic with a sense of adventure, bring your favorite podcast or music. Be generous of spirit to other travelers, traffic police and volunteers.

Travelers may worry that they will ‘miss’ the event because they were stuck in traffic. The balloons glowing and the dining events are ongoing, if you miss the ‘start’ time, there is still so much happening all evening. 

Regular traffic and museum access reopens at approximately 9:30 a.m. after each morning event. You are welcome to visit the museum any time after that, showing your Observation Deck ticket as your admission.

You may also access the launch field between sessions. However, you may find little activity between 11:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., with a few exceptions. See the full Balloon Fiesta Schedule of Events here. 

The Observation Deck check-in and service begins at 4:30 p.m. If you would like to access the launch field immediately upon arrival, mention that when you check in and you will be given your event ticket.

We’re unable to issue event tickets until 4:30 p.m. And please note that the event admission ticket does not allow in/out privileges. You may prefer to check in, get a drink or appetizer, then head to the field closer to 5:00 or 5:30 p.m. 

Weather permitting, the evening glows begin at 6:00 p.m. and last approximately 90 minutes. They are followed by skydiving exhibition, drone light show, and fireworks show. All evening activities typically end by 8:30 p.m. 

Observation Deck dining and beverage service ends at 8:00 pm. and doors close at 8:30 p.m. 

Allow yourself time and patience to exit the area. While egress traffic isn’t usually as heavy as ingress, it can still take 30-45 minutes to leave the area. 

The Balloon Museum Dining Events are held indoors with access to outdoor patios at the Balloon Museum. While the dining events at the Balloon Museum are VIP, the dress code follows the spirit and comfort of the Balloon Fiesta. Balloon Fiesta is about outdoor fun and comfort.

Be casual, comfortable and warm.  The dark pre-sunrise mornings are very cold. People often wear heavy coats, scarves, gloves, warm socks and shoes. When sunrise soon turns to full sun, a hat can be very helpful for the bright sun. Morning temperatures warm as the sun rises, so layers work well for changing temperatures.

For the evenings, bring a light jacket/coat and comfortable shoes. 

Once your Balloon Museum dining event ticket has been processed, there are no refunds.

BALLOON FIESTA IS A WEATHER-DEPENDENT EVENT. While early October weather is generally ideal for hot-air ballooning, strong winds or storms may delay or cancel balloon events. 

However, even if the balloons are not able to inflate, the other programming still occurs such as vendors on Balloon Fiesta Park, fireworks in the evening and dining events at the Balloon Museum. 

Balloon Museum dining events at the Balloon Museum are rain or shine;  the meals and access to the museum are still available.

Please review our Cancelations & Refunds Policy.

*Due to the nature of seasonal supply and supply chain, all food items are subject to changes and availability. We are not able to accommodate special menu requests during this robust time. However, we make every effort to provide a selection of friendly menu items including vegetarian, gluten-free, and non-spicy options. 

The following list is shared to the best of our knowledge at this date. Please enjoy the buffet service at your discretion.

See more details here: Observation Deck Menus

Still have questions? Contact us at tickets@balloonmuseum.com or call (505) 880-0500.

BALLOONS IN JUNE. Special packages on sale to celebrate National Hot Air Balloon Day. Purchase and pickup at store June 4-6. Ice Creams trucks on site and in store promotions all weekend. Dismiss